Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tonights Full Moon from Thoth

Thoth on the Full Moon
Aug. 30, 2012

Hello Dear Ones, it is I Thoth.  I am coming to you today to speak about this full moon.  It is the second full moon of this month of August.  It carries high frequency energies to assist you in clearing out the old emotions or old ways of thinking; it moves it out of your way so you can move forward. 
As time speeds up, you might be thinking that you don’t have enough time to do all that you’ve set out to do, and we remind you that time is arbitrary. Perhaps its not time you are running out of but perhaps it is a lack of focus, a “where do I begin?” thought.  And as such, you never begin any process or research any ideas that have been rolling around in your mind for quite some time now.  This full moon is a perfect time for you to release these thoughts, and begin your journey. 
We offer you a process you can do wherever you are.  This process will assist you by energizing your focus, removing blockages, and clearing your energy all for the purpose of you moving forward.  Let us begin.
Tonight please stand in your yard and allow your entire being to be bathed in the moonlight.  Feel the moon to the deepest parts of your core.  It is best to stand barefoot, and hands raised up with your palms facing skyward.  If you do not have a yard to stand in, stand in the window the moonlight can still bathe you. (Remember the power of what/how you intend it to be will surely come into being).  As you stand, bathing in the glorious moonlight, state those thoughts that you are releasing.  Do not give a dissertation about why you want to release, just simply state the thoughts and move on.  If you feel you must “explain” yourself, then you must consider the fact that you do not want to release that just yet.  It is ok, just recognize it and continue forward.  You might say, “I release the thought that there isn’t enough time” or “I release the thought that I must be in control.”  These are just examples.  You might also want to state, “I release all thoughts that need to go, for my highest and greatest good.”  You will feel a downward push of energy as the moon moves those thoughts from you.  It will begin at your crown, and move all the way down your body, and out your feet.  Once the energy has moved to your feet, give thanks to the moon, take a deep breath and remind yourself every day that you are choosing to be in this new energy. 
Anytime you do clearing/release work, there is a period of adjustment.  You may feel lonely, like something is missing.   And we remind you that is it missing, you released it and let it go.  Do not go searching for what you’ve releases, as you may bring it back.  Just breathe, and again remind yourself all is well, and you choose to be in the new energy.  In a few days, you will acclimate to the energy.  If you are unable to be in the Full Moon on Thursday, you can achieve the same results through Sunday night, you have time. 
I am Thoth and I bid you well.
Donna Damato is a trance channel.  She channels the Egyptian Family, Isis, Bast, Anubis, Thoth, Set and RA.  She's been working with these beings of light her whole life, and began channeling their messages in Feb 2010.  It is her honor and delight to share the teachings of these wondrous beings of light she lovingly calls The Egyptian Family.  If you'd like a session with The Egyptian Family, please contact Donna @; for more information visit:
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