Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentines Day 2018 Message

On this day you celebrate your love for those people in your life.  You give each other gifts or tokens of your love in the form on candies, flowers and cards.  It is on this day that you openly receive gifts from others.  We notice that it seems easier for you to receive on a designated holiday than say just a regular Tuesday.  Why is that?  Why do you not receive on everyday?  For isn’t everyday another opportunity to attract into your life your desires?  Take some time to consider these questions.  
As you consider those questions, we’d like to take this time to send to each of you reading this an opportunity to open your heart.  Let the barriers melt and open your heart.  The heart chakra, when open, is aligned with unconditional love.  Unconditional love is the highest vibration there is.  When your heart is open and aligned, there is no need to guard or protect your heart, for Unconditional Love is the protector of the heart.  As you are reading this, if you are open to receive, your heart is opening.  How open are you willing to let your heart be?  How much healing are you willing to receive?  It is all up to you to decide, and the energy will meet you where you are or take you where you’re willing to go.  
Unconditional Love is just that, Love without Condition.  It is acceptance, surrender and allowing of yourself and those around you.  It’s an energy that flows in you and through you to others.  When you open up to Unconditional Love you set yourself free of the conditions others put on Love.  Love yourself unconditionally and see what happens to you and your life.  Align your energy with Unconditional Love by making a affirmation that it is done.  Begin to receive the bounty around you, be unconditional in your giving and receiving.  As you begin to radiate this vibration, you’ll find yourself more joyous.  
Now go out with an open heart, aligned with unconditional love and be free!

Egyptian Goddess Isis
Quan Yin

Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she am able to change energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  CranioSacral can be done in person, in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna receives her CranioSacral sessions by distance.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

If its just energy, then why do I feel so ______?

If its just energy, then why do I feel so _________, after being around certain people or in certain places?  Fill in the blank.  
Do you feel uplifted, elated and full of positive energy or do you feel drained, depressed, and tired after being with certain friends and family?  This question also needs to be asked in reverse, how do I leave my friends and family after being with or having conversations with them?  I ask you to ponder these questions for a bit.  Think about the people in your life that you interact with.  How do you feel after being with them?  Then ask yourself this, how do they feel after being with me?
You are responsible for the energy you carry with you, and the energy you exchange, and the energy you leave behind.  Relationships and situations are formed from an energetic point of view.  Where you are energetically, determines the people and situations that come into your life.  For example, if you are full of self-love, joy and adventure, you will attract people and situations that align with that energy.  It is also true, that if you have low self-esteem, are unhappy and lack motivation you will attract to you that energy.  Wherever you are energetically, will also determine how you behave and/or react with the people and situations in your life.  This is called and energetic signature.
An energetic signature can be passed down through the generations, it can be learned from the people around you; you can also absorb it from your surroundings.  Energetic signatures can be positive and helpful, and they can also create blockages or prohibit your expansion and growth.  When you begin to work on and heal your energy, you change your energetic signatures to assist and support your new, healed energy field.  A simple example is this “money is the root of all evil” and “money doesn’t grow on trees.”  Both of these statements support you in the energy of lack.  Whether is was your parents, grandparents, or whoever, if you grew up with these beliefs, you might now be experiencing lack, not only in your finances but it can trickle down into other areas of your life as well.  In your life, can you find energetic signatures that are both helpful and unhelpful?  Can you determine the source of the belief?  Take some time with this, and see what you come up with.  Sometimes a source of the energetic signature cannot be found, and that’s okay, and sometimes changing the energetic signature requires outside help, from an energy healer for example.  
Find an energy healer in your area, or have a distance healing session done with someone that is familiar with and has experience with energetic signature work.  Make sure you ask questions of the person you are considering working on you.  You need to feel comfortable, and safe with your healer.  
Donna Damato
Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she am able to change energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  CranioSacral can be done in person, in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna receives her CranioSacral sessions by distance.