Monday, November 16, 2015

How did you show your Compassionate Heart today?

Last Thursday, I was at work. I work part time lunches at a restaurant. My first table was 3 ladies. One was the mom, one was the Aunt, and the other was the daughter. I came to the table upbeat, but I could soon tell that it wasn't a good day for these ladies. The daughter, a 23 year old girl, had no hair and looked grey. I knew it was cancer. The aunt was distraught. After they ordered, the aunt asked where the restroom was, and I told her.

I immediately felt the urge to follow her. I pulled her into the lounge & gave her some paper napkins, I knew she was going to cry. I threw my arms around her & told her 'I know you don't know me but I think you need a hug' She hugged me back. She told me the story & told me how she was trying to hold it together, I told her not to to just let herself cry & go thru the emotions. 
I told her about a cancer program at Beyond Wellness in Tinley Park, IL that uses Cranial Sacral and other Therapies to assist people with cancer.  She never heard of Cranial Sacral, so I told her it was a form of Energy Healing, then asked if she ever heard of Reiki.  Guess what?  She not only heard of Reiki but had a session on herself some month ago, and she had a healing from it.  How amazing is it that this girl's aunt, who lives in another state, is at my table, has had Reiki and believes in the healing power of energy, I'd say very amazing and synchronistic.    

I believe that this Aunt, Mother and daughter were all wondering what could they do, they probably had been praying or asking the Universe for help for the daughter.  I am honored that spirit and the Universe puts me in positions to be of service.  I did my part by providing compassion and even a way the daughter might heal her cancer. 
When your compassionate heart is open, and you follow its lead, beautiful things happen.  

Blessings & Peace
Donna Damato

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on form of energy healing.  Restrictions can occur in the cranial bones and cause pain or illness in other parts of the physical body.  CranioSacral techniques release the restrictions and allow the cerebral spinal fluid to flow more freely.  This is nourishing to the nerves, and creates balance and a sense of well-being. 
Donna has seen amazing healings in her clients.  Many illnesses, pain and life struggles have been healed.  CranioSacral has helped her clients with: chonic pain greatly reduced or eliminated completely, crohn’s medicine no longer needed, can raise arm above shoulder, sciatica pain gone, 5 pregnancies, reduced ADHD medicine, fear of success cleared up, unknown sadness released, pain from multiple car accidents greatly reduced, neck pain eliminated, clarity to make sound decisions, and so much more. 
CranioSacral can help when modern medicine is not effective. It might be time to explore your illness or pain energetically if medicine isn’t working, or can’t find anything wrong with you.  In these cases, we may travel to another lifetime to find and solve the issue.  Donna uses the shamanic journey to travel her clients to other lifetimes while being an anchor to the current life.  

Sessions are 75 minutes and cost $125).
To make an appointment you can contact Donna at or call 502-310-6274
Donna is an amazing psychic and energy healer. I've never experienced anything as powerful as my first crainiosacral session with her. I've also experienced her teaching abilities and was very satisfied. - Debi B. Louisville, KY

A great experience! - H. Louisville, KY

I just received a session from Donna Damato who is a Cranial Sacral therapist and I feel great! I am very relaxed and Happy I went to
Elevated Delights in Naperville, IL. Thank you Donna. - A.K. 

Donna is a very gifted and experienced healer. I've had the pleasure of a Cranial Sacral session with Donna and it was one of the most intense healing sessions I've ever had! She is a born healer. She is also very experienced in so many ways - she is a great healer, teacher and 'manifester'!! Love Donna Damato. - Suzanne S. Louisville, KY

Donna is available in both Naperville, Il and Louisville, KY for CranioSacral Therapy sessions.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Do your beliefs help you, or do they hinder you?

Many times during a lifetime, you may experience coming to a crossroads.  Which way do you take?  Which way is the 'best' way?  How will you know if you made the right choice?  There are always decisions to be made and choices to make, the world is energy and energy is always in flux or movement.  So with that information at hand, there is no right or wrong choice there is just movement.

The choices you make or the movement you create is always right in that moment.  Now, you can also make the choice to not choose, and remain where you are.  However, know this, even when you do not make a choice movement still happens.  There is a period of time where everything adjusts to your choice or lack of.  Everything in your energy field adjusts to the vibration of the choices and decisions you make.  Ultimately, these choices and decisions make up your belief system.

There are so many beliefs that are held by the people of this world.  There are beliefs about money, relationships, sex, religion, self image and so on.  Your beliefs make up the world in which you live in and see day after day.  Your beliefs become a part of your energy field and a part of your vibration and send out to the Universe what experiences you'd like to have in your life, and of course the Universe delivers.  Now, what happens when you are working though your beliefs and what happens when you are working towards moving past those beliefs?  Are you easily able to move forward, on with your life and journey or do you feel stuck?

During your life you will experience new things and hear new information, many times over.  When this happens, your mind expands to allow for the new way of being to enter into your beliefs and into your energy field or vibration.  This also creates new experiences for you.  Now you've expanded and grown.  Enjoy your journey, allow growth and expansion to cultivate the life you live, and remember if you don't like it, Change It!   

Blessing to you all!
We Are One!

Donna Damato
Elevated Delights, Inc
1701 Quincy Ave #30
Naperville, IL 60540

Donna Damato is a Reiki Master Teacher, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Channel and Psychic.  She provides her services in Naperville Il and at The Intuitive Connection in Louisville, KY.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Is it a Waste of Time and Energy?

I read so many quotes about not wasting my time or energy on this person or that person, and I'm not so sure I agree that its a waste.  So, I've been thinking about this for quite some time, and today I finally received the answer from my guides about why the quotes that state its a waste of my time and energy bother me.  Here is what they say:

"As human beings you consider yourselves as individuals separate from one another.  And as humans that is true, however you are spirit first and you are experiencing a human life second.  Spirit is always connected as consciousness, and as consciousness you are all one. 

To say that it is a waste of your time and energy to be with negative people is to say its a waste of time and energy for others to be with you as well, as we said at a spirit level we are all one and all connected.  When you say it is only okay to be with this person and not that person because of (fill in the blank) you are being conditional instead of unconditional.  This causes great angst within your being because when you want others to just accept and love you for who you are, they can not because you do not love the other person, which is you too, unconditionally.  We have much more to teach on this and will do so in the coming days.  Please consider what we say and find if it is true for you.

We are three who come as one,
Thor, Odin & Loki