Sunday, May 27, 2018

How are you doing...emotionally?

Its spring, so the calendar says, but the temperature in most areas says its midsummer already.  Typically in spring we "spring clean" buy plants and flowers to watch them grow throughout the growing season.  How are you tending to your emotional garden?  What are you doing to grow yourself spiritually?  Many people ask me, in a reading, "am I on the right path?"  The answer is always the same. YES, you are on the right path, you're always on the right path.  The truth is, if you could be somewhere else on your path, you would be there.  I've given thought to this question, and the best I can figure is that those asking "am I on the right path?"  feel lost, stagnant or perhaps that they are so far spiritually behind other people they know.  And again, yes you are on the right path.  Now perhaps your not as far along as you think you should be, or as far as you'd like to be.  Well, that's another question in itself.

"You are where you are on your path because its where you can be, at this time.  If you could be someplace else (further) you would be."  This is a the truth that I tell clients all the time.  If you could be somewhere else on your path, you would be there.   The path is the journey, and perhaps you tried the 'quick' way but decided to take a detour instead.  Remember there is no good or bad, right or wrong way to expand your consciousness or grow spiritually, there is just moving along at a pace that is comfortable for you.  And know this, your comfort level will change...often.  Some days you'll clip along, and sometimes you take a three month break.  Always remember though, you are always on a journey, and your always on the right path, for you, in this moment.  Please stop berating and beating yourselves up, it serves no purpose except to slow you down again.
Get up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward. 

Let me ask you again, how are you doing emotionally?  You see your emotional being is tied into how you proceed on your spiritual journey.  Your emotions, when not cleared by healing, keep you from living your fullest life.  These emotions can be from this current life, a past life or even the emotions of being involved (emotionally) in the life and/or events of another persons life.  Think about this for a bit...where are your emotions?  Who's energy are your emotions tied into?  How strong are you connected to the beliefs you grew up with?  and where are you putting your energy (person or situation) that its not being returned?  Take some time with with, write it down, get clear so you can clear it up.

You can begin to clear up your emotions with some simple techniques.   Once you identify and emotion that you want to clear, you can simple state 'I release you' you may need to repeat this several times, but you will begin the clearing process and feel lighter for each layer you release.  Another thing you can do is to question your beliefs and thoughts.  Ask yourself "do I really believe this to be true for me?  and is this really my thought?  am I making this decision based on my wants?"  If you find it is not yours, simply state "this is not mine and I return you to your owner, be gone."  You'll be amazed to find how much energy is tied into other peoples and how much lighter you will feel once you begin to release yourself from other energies.  After you've completed some releasing, its important to fill your energy back up with positive energy.  Take a moment and connect with any color you feel is uplifting, see that color dance around you and then see it move through you, breath the color into your being and when the color is all around and within you, say "thank you" and you are done.  Some emotional issues might need to be healed with the help of an energy healer.

In the case of a traumatic event, current or past life, you may not be able to process the healing on your own, or you might not be able to release the full emotional attachment.  In these cases, you'll need to see an experienced energy healer, especially in the area of emotions.  In my over 15 years of energy healing experience, I've helped many people heal old emotional wounds.  These healings have had profound shifts in my clients.  Through Sacred Journey Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy,  several women have been able to conceive and give birth to children, a person on medicine for Crohn's was able to decrease and eventually eliminate prescriptions, arthritis healed so person could continue working with hands, emotions healed and released in all of these clients allowed the people to move forward with their lives and live more fulfilled.

Emotions that have been suppressed are released and clients are brought back to a place of peace, calm and balance.  This is the healing I receive on myself, by distance, my healer is in Illinois and I currently living in Kentucky.  I have had the most profound insights into my self and now can feel when an issue is rising and I can have a session to release whatever it is so I am not blocked and so I can live as my authentic self.

Sacred Journey Therapy and CranioSacral Therapy are both available in person in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she is able to change old belief systems, release stuck emotions, family patterns and energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  She has clients in Illinois, Michigan, Third Shift workers in Louisville that she works on by distance as they sleep, and in other countries. 

For more information or to schedule a session, please visit my website  while there, sign up for my newsletter.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Energy of Beliefs...part 2

The Energy of Beliefs.....part 2

In part 1, of the Energy of Beliefs, I wrote that trying to change people's mind or beliefs to match your own, is a drain on your energy.  When a person states "this is what I belief, and nothing you say can change that" I wrote for you to believe them and walk away or change the subject.  How has that been working for you?  Have you put it into practice yet?  If not, begin now.  The new energy coming to us, after the Spring Equinox, is going to force people to either change or at least open to a more expanded belief system, or they will dig their heels in and stay no matter what.  What I really want to talk about today, are the metaphysical teachers you may encounter during your spiritual awakening/journey.

All through my journey, I've had amazing teachers and not so great teachers.  The amazing teachers were the ones that pushed me outside of my comfort zone, and pushed me to open my beliefs to a much more expanded belief system.  They never imposed their beliefs on me but instead allowed me to make my own mind up.  The great teachers presented information and talked about their experiences as it related to the information.  This opened me up to believe that all things are possible, and the more open I became the more I was able to experience.  When you open your beliefs and expand your consciousness, you allow more experiences to enter your life.  

Now my not so great teachers, taught me as well.  I lived in a small town in Illinois, and there were only a few teachers close by so my choices were slim.  However, I wanted to at least learn about the topics they were teaching (numerology, anagram, astral travel, etc), so I took the classes knowing I wouldn't be really trained in whatever it was we were learning.  These classes limited me, and did not allow for my expansion of consciousness or beliefs, they rather stagnated or plateaued.  When you feel this, stagnated or at a plateau, it means the teacher has taken you as far as he or she can go.  It also means its time to find a new teacher, one that can add to your journey.  If you are stuck in your journey, take a look at where you go, who is your teacher(s), and ask yourself this "why have I stayed so long?"  There's no right or wrong answer, you'll most likely answer that you stayed because its was familiar, and familiar give a sense of safety and comfort. 

The Universe is now going to start pushing you out of that familiar, and when you feel that push, what will you do?  Will you go forth and make changes or will you dig your heels in and remain where you are?  Either way you chose is fine.  Either way you chose also has different outcomes, chose by comfort or by outcome?  Again, its always your choice. 
Be Limitless….

Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she is able to change old belief systems, family patterns and energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  CranioSacral can be done in person, in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna receives her CranioSacral sessions by distance.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Mediumship, what is it.

Mediumship covers quite a bit of territory. 

Yes, a medium is what one calls themselves if they talk to those who have crossed over, but it is so much more than that.  I tell my clients and students that, to me, much like an artist who's medium is Oil/Acrylic/Pottery etc, Spirits medium is us humans.  We are the medium in which they chose to speak through or to us and we can relay the messages to other humans.  Now we've somewhat defined what Mediumship is (at least to me), lets cover some types of Mediumship.

First, is the most well-known form of Mediumship and that is the ones to deliver messages from people who have passed on.  You might have a reading with a Psychic Medium, Intuitive Medium, Evidentail Medium, Spiritual Medium, and many other titles.  The one thing this group all have in common is that they connect to people, who have walked the earth plane, and are now longer living in a human body.  A good Medium will not ask a bunch of questions to you and will not allow you to explain everything.  A good Medium will make the Spirit they are communicating with provide the information (evidence). 

If a Medium asks you a question, and you answer, they should then follow up with some information from Spirit that you can acknowledge, that continues to let you and the Medium know the connection is still intact.  So yes, sometimes the medium needs clarification and ask a question, just make sure Spirit follows up with more information about themselves or about you. 

You job as a 'sitter' or person receiving the reading, is to verify the information.  Again, when you verify the information, the connection grows stronger and even more specific detail can come through.  I will say this, expecting a loved one to announce your "secret code word" to prove they are there, almost never works.  Human form vs spirit form is completely different, and much of what the person had/knew during his or her human life doesn't always transfer over to Spirit form.  The Spirit already knows and believes the spirit world it real, so they have no desire to "prove it" with a code word. 

Now lets move into another form of Mediumship, and that is working in Trance or Channeling.  When a Trance Medium or Trance Channel works with Spirit, they are allowing the spirit to speak directly through them.  The energy of the Being is able to use the Trance Medium's voice box to speak and physical body to gesture.  Trance work opens up the Medium to higher vibrational beings such as Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and Beings from other Star Sytems (Pleiadians, Sirius, Lemuria, Atlantis, etc).  Some Trance Mediums will allow the Spirit/Energy of a passed love one speak through them in this way.  Each person is different in "who" they will channel and who they will not.  Me personally, I do not offer Trance sessions with anyone's loved ones, I only channel the higher vibrational beings, as this is how I was taught. 

It is a huge act of surrender by the human doing Trance work.  Here is where you can receive information or answers to your questions from a very high source of information.  When a person does Trance, you should be able to feel the energy in the room shift as the Being(s) enter the space.  Many times the voice of the person doing trance, will change or alter in some way.  Mannerisms and facial expressions change as well.  When that energy is within the Channelers energy field, they can imprint an image for the group to perhaps see.  

A Trance reading or group session, is much different than a Psychic Medium reading in that as the energy shifts in the room, during Trance, those in attendance receive a boost to their energy field.  Healing and clearing of everyone's energy field occur as well.  Information shared with a group, during a Trance event, will be useful for everyone in attendance.  As a group or collective group of energies of those attending a Trance event is what the Beings read from. 

In order for a person to be able to be a Clean/Clear Medium (Psychic or Trance), they have to be receiving healing of their own emotional issues.  These emotions can come from their current life or from past lives.  If a Medium is not keeping their connections clear of their emotions, then the information they give can be muddled with their emotions and beliefs, instead of pure information.  Ask your Medium what healing work they have done on themselves not only for self care, but to keep themselves as clear of a channel as possible. 

About Me (Donna Damato):

I am a Trance Channel.  I earned a Master of Channeling Certificate in 2011 after I completed 100+ hours of in class work & channeling work with clients.  I continued to study and practice channeling so I can be an effective teacher.  Channeling is my Passion, I can talk to passed on loved ones but its not my passion so I don't offer it as a session.  It has to be one's passion in order for it to 'work'

As for healing work on myself, I am a CranioSacral Therapist and have regular sessions on myself to clear my emotional blockages so I can be as clear of a channel as I can. 

The Beings that I channel are the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Ashtar from Ashtar Command, Selena from Lemuria, Archangel Metatron, Melchizadek, and many others.  They bring information and assistance to us humans to help us advance in our lives, and on our journey.  Many times they challenge the group by giving homework, and when they 'see' you again they ask how you've been doing with the work.  They remember and know you by energy. 

If you are interested in learning how to work in Trance or would like to attend a Channeling Event, please send me an email.

Friday, March 9, 2018

The Energy of Beliefs part 1

The Energy of Beliefs
Your beliefs create your reality.  If you believe a miracle will happen, it will.  If you believe you’ll lose your job, you will.  The energy behind beliefs is one of strength and conviction.  Many times people will say, “this is what I believe, and nothing you say can change my mind.”  When someone says this to you, believe him or her.  Do not try to change their mind.  Discontinue the conversation and either move on to another topic or walk away.  Remember it is not your job to convince people to believe what or how you believe.  It’s your job to focus on you and your beliefs, your energy and your journey.  The best thing to do is to live by example.  Live your life according to your beliefs, and if someone gets curious as to what you are doing, then you can tell them.  Remember, however, to be open to changing your own beliefs.  Be open to expanding your consciousness and releasing beliefs that limit you from experiencing a limitless life. 

Be Limitless….

Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she am able to change energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  CranioSacral can be done in person, in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna receives her CranioSacral sessions by distance.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Melchizadek, Metatron and Thoth

Today’s message comes from Melchizadek, Metatron and Thoth.  
Today we ask you to think in terms of frequency or vibration.  There are many people questioning why so many people are ill with the flu and why it keeps coming back.  While it’s true there are always shifts in Earth’s frequency, this time it is being paired with your intentions.  There are many people asking for change, they are asking for abundance in all areas of life, they are asking for help and assistance with daily life, the list goes on.  The intestinal virus’s you are experiencing are actually clearing up old energies and old belief systems that will not resonate with the inflow of he new energies and new discoveries that will soon be announced.  In order to move in the direction of ascension, whether personal, global or galactic, old belief systems need to be purged. 
This time it happens to be in the area of the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras.  Your will and desire to hold on to the old is being released from the Solar Plexus area, and your Sacral Chakra is being prepared for the new frequency of energy codes coming to you now and for the next several weeks.  Take care of your physical bodies the best you can.  Drink fluids, get rest, and if you need more help seek out an Energy Healer to assist you in releasing the old energies.  Changes in frequency do not have to be hard or stressful on your emotional, mental, or physical bodies, you can assist yourself by receiving energy healing/clearing.  And if you are a healer, seek out a healer to work on you as well. 
This is a time to maintain and increase your energetic integrity, keeping your energy field clear and allowing the frequencies to take you further along in your ascension process.  Remember it’s a process and a journey, there is no finish line, just the next frequency. 
We bid you well and Be at Peace,
Melchizadek, Metatron and Thoth

Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she am able to change energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  CranioSacral can be done in person, in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna receives her CranioSacral sessions by distance.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentines Day 2018 Message

On this day you celebrate your love for those people in your life.  You give each other gifts or tokens of your love in the form on candies, flowers and cards.  It is on this day that you openly receive gifts from others.  We notice that it seems easier for you to receive on a designated holiday than say just a regular Tuesday.  Why is that?  Why do you not receive on everyday?  For isn’t everyday another opportunity to attract into your life your desires?  Take some time to consider these questions.  
As you consider those questions, we’d like to take this time to send to each of you reading this an opportunity to open your heart.  Let the barriers melt and open your heart.  The heart chakra, when open, is aligned with unconditional love.  Unconditional love is the highest vibration there is.  When your heart is open and aligned, there is no need to guard or protect your heart, for Unconditional Love is the protector of the heart.  As you are reading this, if you are open to receive, your heart is opening.  How open are you willing to let your heart be?  How much healing are you willing to receive?  It is all up to you to decide, and the energy will meet you where you are or take you where you’re willing to go.  
Unconditional Love is just that, Love without Condition.  It is acceptance, surrender and allowing of yourself and those around you.  It’s an energy that flows in you and through you to others.  When you open up to Unconditional Love you set yourself free of the conditions others put on Love.  Love yourself unconditionally and see what happens to you and your life.  Align your energy with Unconditional Love by making a affirmation that it is done.  Begin to receive the bounty around you, be unconditional in your giving and receiving.  As you begin to radiate this vibration, you’ll find yourself more joyous.  
Now go out with an open heart, aligned with unconditional love and be free!

Egyptian Goddess Isis
Quan Yin

Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she am able to change energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  CranioSacral can be done in person, in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna receives her CranioSacral sessions by distance.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

If its just energy, then why do I feel so ______?

If its just energy, then why do I feel so _________, after being around certain people or in certain places?  Fill in the blank.  
Do you feel uplifted, elated and full of positive energy or do you feel drained, depressed, and tired after being with certain friends and family?  This question also needs to be asked in reverse, how do I leave my friends and family after being with or having conversations with them?  I ask you to ponder these questions for a bit.  Think about the people in your life that you interact with.  How do you feel after being with them?  Then ask yourself this, how do they feel after being with me?
You are responsible for the energy you carry with you, and the energy you exchange, and the energy you leave behind.  Relationships and situations are formed from an energetic point of view.  Where you are energetically, determines the people and situations that come into your life.  For example, if you are full of self-love, joy and adventure, you will attract people and situations that align with that energy.  It is also true, that if you have low self-esteem, are unhappy and lack motivation you will attract to you that energy.  Wherever you are energetically, will also determine how you behave and/or react with the people and situations in your life.  This is called and energetic signature.
An energetic signature can be passed down through the generations, it can be learned from the people around you; you can also absorb it from your surroundings.  Energetic signatures can be positive and helpful, and they can also create blockages or prohibit your expansion and growth.  When you begin to work on and heal your energy, you change your energetic signatures to assist and support your new, healed energy field.  A simple example is this “money is the root of all evil” and “money doesn’t grow on trees.”  Both of these statements support you in the energy of lack.  Whether is was your parents, grandparents, or whoever, if you grew up with these beliefs, you might now be experiencing lack, not only in your finances but it can trickle down into other areas of your life as well.  In your life, can you find energetic signatures that are both helpful and unhelpful?  Can you determine the source of the belief?  Take some time with this, and see what you come up with.  Sometimes a source of the energetic signature cannot be found, and that’s okay, and sometimes changing the energetic signature requires outside help, from an energy healer for example.  
Find an energy healer in your area, or have a distance healing session done with someone that is familiar with and has experience with energetic signature work.  Make sure you ask questions of the person you are considering working on you.  You need to feel comfortable, and safe with your healer.  
Donna Damato
Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she am able to change energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  CranioSacral can be done in person, in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna receives her CranioSacral sessions by distance.