Thursday, August 29, 2013

To Fear or Not To Fear

I became a Reiki Master in 2000 without even knowing what Reiki or Energy Healing was.  I just knew I wanted to learn this thing called Reiki.  I found it exciting that I could ease someones headache or relieve pain in someones body.  I've continued to practice Reiki throughout the years, and have studied with teachers and again, practiced my trade.  Last year I decided to expand my energy healing and began studying Cranial Sacral.

As of this writing I have completed six levels of Cranial Sacral (level 7 is in 3 weeks).  Each level is held over four days, and we work on each other all four days.  We learn new Cranial techniques then practice on each other, and end each day giving each other full 1 hour sessions.  I usually receive anywhere from 8-12 sessions per level, that's a lot of energy work in one weekend!  To say I've changed in the past year, since starting Cranial Sacral, is an understatement.  I've gone through so many ups and downs, I've cleared out old beliefs, had low vibrational energies removed, and rebuilt myself after each level.  WOW! What a ride!  During all this time I had the support of my friends, fellow classmates, and my teacher, and I am thankful for all of it.  Sometimes I had to shout my frustrations, or cry or just be quiet and everyone gave me the space to do just that.  They all knew I was clearing, and anything I said was not directed at them, I was just moving it out of my field.  Again,  thank you all for being there with me.

That all being said, you might be wondering about the low vibrational energies I've cleared.  Many people like to call this 'negative' energy, or blockages, maybe you use evil or demon to describe it.  I'd agree that it is all of that.  If its not uplifting, its negative.  If you aren't in the flow you have a blockage.  If it keeps you from doing what you want, its evil or a demon.  Its just a title to describe an unwanted energy.

When I explain a 'blockage' to you, I am not going to scare you about it because I do not come from a place of fear.  I come from a place of love, and I want you to open up to your true light being self, not because I scared you into it, but because you want to do it.  Everyone has a low vibrational energy or two to clear out, some people have more.  Its just the way that it is.

Fear comes into play when someone puts that fear in your mind and you believe it.  That fear belief than permeates all through your body, your cellular structure and becomes a part of who you are.  This fear get energized, it even has an intelligence or consciousness.  Its that voice you hear in your head that tells you "don't do it," "ooooh, we better be careful over there,"  or it stops us dead in our tracks and we completely shut down.  The question to have at this point would be "where did this fear come from."

I ask myself this question all the time.  "Where did this come from?"  "Is it mine?"  "Who gave me this information, and why did I take it in?"  These questions help you to begin the process of clearing.  Clearing out thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you.

It could be you heard the information in a class or workshop, maybe a psychic told you to be fearful of it, maybe you read a channeled book or blog and it created fear in you.  So you took the information and created an energetic for it in your beliefs and you auric field.  What you heard was information from lower vibrational energies, perhaps the channeling was the person's fears coming out in the channeling.  You heard or received some kind of information, its up to you to be discerning of the information you bring into your beliefs and energy field.  Don't be fearful of having a reading or attending a channeling or reading a book, consider the information and how its presented.  Then decide what you'll do with it.

High vibrational energy feels good.  Information from a high vibrational channeling, or reading is always helpful with your best interest in mind.  You might receive a caution about something, but its not all spooky, and it does not create a fear within you.  High vibrational energies emit love, joy and forward movement.

I regularly have Cranial Sacral sessions done on me because I enjoy clearing out my stuff.  I turn my blockages, which we now know are fears or low vibrational energy (not scary), into flower pots.  Nothing spooky about a flower pot, right?  Since I've been clearing out my blockages, my intuitive gifts and healing style have opened up and gone through the roof.  I've removed the block of 'self-doubt' and the block of 'am I good enough' and its so wonderfully freeing I can't even explain it.  When anything comes up, that doesn't belong, I know it right away and I go have a session with my teacher or one of his healers.  I get it taken care of right away because I do not like how I feel with a block in my energy field.

Anyone in the healing field would benefit greatly from having regular sessions on themselves.  Trade with other practitioners, we need to be clear so we can fully assist others in being clear.  I trade with other Cranial Sacral practitioners, Reiki healers, and other healing modalities.  I like being clear and I like (well, Love) Energy Healing.  It is my passion and desire to help you, when you are ready, to move past your fears, break down your blockages and watch as you blossom into the being of light you are meant to be.  The transformation is pure beauty!

Be in Peace!
Donna Damato
Elevated Delights, Inc
1701 Quincy Ave #30
Naperville, IL 60540


About Donna:
Donna began her Energy Healing journey in 2000 when she became a Reiki Master. She was fascinated that she could detect someones headache or pain, and remove it from them with her hands. This created a curiosity and desire in Donna to learn more. She continues in her journey by learning new or different methods of Energy Healing. She has taken many classes with many different teachers, including becoming a Reiki Master Teacher. She is currently studying CranioSacral Therapy at Sacred Journey Institute, a school of higher learning for Healers and Lightworkers. It is her joy, pleasure and passion to assist those who are ready to advance on their life path or journey. You can read more about Donna and her Energy Healing work on our Website, HERE