Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Past

The Past

A message from the Venusians

There are so many people out there today that are continually bringing their past experiences into their current life situations.  We understand that the past has left some scars within your energy field; we also understand that past hurts, when allowed to remain, will repeat themselves time and time again.  It is also true that when you bring your past experiences into your new situations, you are clouding your ability to see the person in front of you for who they really are. 
For example, lets say in a past romantic relationship, things did not end well and here you are in a new relationship.  When the new person says things the past person said, the mind immediately puts up a red flag.  The mind says “hold on, we know where this goes, remember when such and such said this to us, it did not end well.”  Our mind begins creating the same story, but with new players.  The new person is superimposed in the starring role of the relationship that did not go well.  When this happens, and you allow yourself to sink into the repeating story, you are not allowing yourself to truly know the person in front of you.  And just like that the relationship is in turmoil or ended. What can you do?
You have a choice here, either run with the story of your mind or challenge it. If you chose to run with the story, the mind will create all kinds of scenarios, all based on past experiences, and recreate them in your mind and then your mind will manifest them into your reality.  Is this what you desire? Probably not.
It is suggested that you challenge it.
Now you may wonder, how do I challenge my mind, its kind of on autopilot, isn’t it?  We would say, is it?  Now as a part of the conscious community your mind is somewhat on autopilot as it connects with other thoughts and beliefs that are out in the etheric, or energy field.  It is up to you to decide what information you’d like to pay attention to and what information can just float on by.  Why not set the boundary of only information that is helpful and useful to me is what I need to know or pay attention to.  It’s a good start. 
Awareness is the next step.  Now you have been made aware of how your mind can recreate the past, it is up to you to keep that awareness.  Pay attention to the thoughts that drift in and out of your mind during the day, notice which thoughts stop and hang out for a while.  Ask yourself and the thought, is this true for me today, and how is this useful to me.  It is a process and you will make progress.  Some days by leaps and bounds, and other days by tiny little steps.  Allow yourself to progress at any pace you feel comfortable.  It is the allowing that gets you back into alignment with what’s actually going on in your life today and give you the clarity to see the person in front of you for who they truly are, not some version of a past person. 
As you begin to practice awareness and set up boundaries, you will notice how your relationship with yourself and others begin to change, and for the better and in the way you want them to become.  ~In Peace, Love and Light ~The Venusians
Donna Damato is a trance channel for many beings of light.  They bring their wisdom and messages to help humanity grow and connect with their true self.  The Venusians are a group of beings dedicated to assisting mankind to live a compassionate life, beginning by opening the compassionate heart.