Monday, April 22, 2019

The Healing Power of Unconditional Love

I Love You
I Love Your Whole Parts
I Love Your Broken Parts
I Love You
All of You

The healing power of love, Unconditional Love is like no other healing.  Unconditional Love does not ask or require the other person or persons to change anything about themselves.  Unconditional Love is just that, Love without conditions.  I always ask to be a vessel for Unconditional Love to flow through me and to the people I interact with everyday.  It doesn't matter if I know the person or not, I want the healing energy to flow through me.  Some people soak it up like a sponge, some will take a little but then stop, others will be repelled by it and you.  Its okay, everyone is at different stages of their spiritual evolution.  Don't let that stop you from being that vessel of Unconditional Love and Healing.  What about romantic love?  What about it....

Many times people say they love one another, but what they really love is the way the other person makes them feel.  Maybe they feel whole, happy, or even at peace when they are with the other person, but that is not Love, not unconditional love.  Its a coping mechanism, and when the person that is making you feel good changes or grows they may no longer feel like peace anymore and you think that they don't love you anymore.  Once this happens, now fear sets back in, and old emotions come rushing in, and the mind starts to make up stories.

The mind always wants to attach or create a story to an emotion.  The mind might say "remember when he/she said that, that means xxxxxx"  and before you know it you are so angry at the other person that you begin to act out your anger and frustration towards them for something they did, but did they do it or did you mind create a story about it and you believed it?  Your mind will protect you at all costs, or do you prefer your mind to help you grow and expand at all costs?  It really is a decision you need to make for yourself.

I choose to have my mind work at growing and expanding me and as such my mind doesn't wander and make up stories like it used to.  Now, it does from time to time because it wants to protect me, but I catch it and reroute my thoughts.  This is what I say when I find my mind making up stories "No, I don't believe that.  We are not making up stories about ....... I am believing and trusting that the person is being truthful and until I know for sure otherwise, I will no longer make up stories about...."  Try it out for yourself, see if it helps quite your mind.  What's the worse that can happen, you experience more peace in your day?  Sounds Good To Me!

Be at Peace!
Donna Damato

Donna has been an energy healer for over 16 years, and has assisted clients all over the world, country & locally with Distance Sacred Journey Therapy, and Miasm Release Therapy, Color & Crystal Healing and Reiki.  She currently resides in Louisville, KY and offers distance healing work to people in Louisville and around the world.