Monday, May 16, 2011

Isis via Donna Damato May 16, 2011

Hello Dear Ones, it is I, Isis.  I come to you today to speak about relationships.  Not to long ago you had a celebration.  You call it Mother's day, yet many of you are estranged from your Mother, or you "put your game face on" for the day and pretended to celebrate.  I am going to ask you to do some work this week and in the weeks to come.  It is our desire that you are living as your true self, your true nature and that is love.  All things are possible and can change when love is involved.

The time has come to forgive or to ask forgiveness.  Now, you may be saying "I will never forgive", or "not after what she/he did."  I say this to you, to forgive, apologize or ask for forgiveness is Divine.  When a relationship can mend, it truly is for the highest and greatest good.  It is time for you to go forth, make amends with both your Mother's & Father's.  In your world, time passes so quickly and before you know it, the person is gone.  If you have not at least put forth an effort to repair the relationship, how will you feel when that person leaves his/her body?  Will you have regret?  Will you be angry at them or yourself?  and how long will you allow yourself to be in regret/anger? days, weeks, years?  How long do you wish to repeat this cycle?  This is your work, to dig deep and get clear about those relationships that need to mend.  Remember, always come from a place of love.  Call on Isis for a heart attunement, I will come.

Suggestions to begin your healing journey
- remove yourself from the relationship and look at it with the eyes of an outsider; what do they see, hear, feel?
- open your heart chakra, open your higher heart, the attunement & your intention will do this for you
- consider your words & the conversation you will have; what will you say? what will they say?
- meditate and focus on the outcome you desire; create your relationship

On this day we wish to offer you a Universe Blessing & Heart Attunement together.  Please hold your left palm towards the computer screen.  Take several deep breaths.  Tell yourself that you are allowing this new energy into your being & that its ok to release.  Continue to breath, and when you are ready pull your hand away from the screen.  Sit for a few minutes and feel the blessing fill your entire being, feel your connection to Source strengthen, feel your heart/higher heart pop open.  This is love!
Be in Love, Peace, Joy & Harmony!

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