Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blessing from Isis and Bast


Good Day to you all!  We come to you together, Isis and Bast.  We come today to give you some release & blessings.  It has been a busy time, energetically.  You just celebrated your Summer Equinox, Independence Day (in USA), a Full moon, and most of you have been enduring sweltering heat. We wish to assist you in raising your vibration.

Take a few moments to center yourself.  Take some deep breaths, feel your feet, feel your heartbeat, now feel your crown chakra pulsing.  Take a few more deep centering, cleansing breaths.

Allow us to come into your energy field for a moment.  We are going to align your chakras, and clear your energetic field/aura.  Continue breathing until you feel us step out of your energetic field.  This should take anywhere from 3-10 minutes.  Very good.

Now we ask you to sit with the palms of your hands facing up.  We are going to fill your hands with the Heart Attunement Blessing and the Universe Blessing.  When you notice that your hands are full, place your left hand on your crown chakra & your right hand over your heart chakra.  Take many deep breaths.  Sit like this for 3-5 minutes or more if you like.

The Heart Attunement Blessing attunes your hearts to unconditional love, and assists you in loving yourself unconditionally.  When you love yourself, you attract loving beings into your life.  Loving yourself fills up your energy, it gives you the extra energy needed to help others.  Begin to fill your energy 'tanks' up with this love & when they are full, then help others.  It is most helpful to others when you are whole first.

Now place both feet flat on the ground, or floor wherever you are.  We are going to assist you in releasing some old thoughts and patterns that are no longer serving you.  Please take a deep breath and repeat the following (silent is ok). "I now allow and give permission to myself to release these thoughts and patterns that no longer serve me, take them all, thank you."  You may feel energy moving down your body & out your feet, or you might feel tingly all over, remind yourself that its ok, you are choosing to release this now.  Take a few deep breaths as the energy moves through you.

Every time you allow yourself to clear and real ease, you move forward on your journey.  You release the old so the new can come in, thereby raising your vibration.  Remind yourself daily that you are choosing to raise your vibration, that you choose to release and most importantly that you 'choose to be in this new energy.'

We wish to sprinkle each of you with one last blessing.  It is the energy of Joy & Happiness.  Please take a deep breath, sit comfortably and allow us to bless you again.

Thank you for taking the time to love yourself.  Remember to take care of you, love you, and miracles will happen.

We send you love and blessing, call on us when you need a boost we will always come to assist you.

Egyptian Goddesses
Isis & Bast

 The above  channel is copyright protected to Donna Damato.    It may be published , posted online, or reprinted only thru expressed permission from Donna Damato. For permissions email Donna at: