Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Isis via Donna Damato April 11,2011

 Hello, it is I Isis.  I come today to share with you an opening of your heart.  Not only does it open your heart up, it also pushes it outward.  This causes a ripple in heart energy and it can be felt by those around you.  It is important for you to now be in alignment with your heart, to make your decisions with your heart.  Many of you associate the heart with love and we say yes, this is why you must come from your heart in making your life's decisions.  When you make your decisions from your heart, you are acting from a place of love.  When you come from a place of love, it frees you.  Love can cause changes to occur, and be quite miraculous.  When we come from our heart, from love, those around us feel our sincerity, our love and as we said love can change anything.  The time is now to get in alignment with your heart. To be in alignment with your heart is to also be aligned with your true self, your true being, that is Source Energy.

We are offering you a Heart Attunement today.  Take a deep breath, focus on receiving a heart attunement, take another deep breath.  Now I ask you to hold your left hand up and face it toward the computer screen.  The Attunement is just as powerful over the Internet as it is in person.  Now, again take a deep breath, hold your left hand up and face it to your computer screen.  Continue to breath as you begin to feel the energy in your hand, and feel your heart open up.  Feel the energy of love flowing in to your heart, and flowing out.  Breath some more as I bring you into the safety of my wings, continue to feel the heart opening and expanding.  We are almost done now.  I ask you to take one more breath and on the exhale allow yourself to release what no longer serves you.  Very good. Now feel yourself in this new energy, and allow the energy to fill you.  Of course you can pause at any point during the attunement and allow the energy to fill you, before moving on.

Heart Attunements are always available to you.  All you need to do is hold your left hand, palm side up, and call on Isis "I call on Isis to come and give me a heart attunement."  We will send the energy to you, always.  Now enjoy this new energy.  Be love & loving!
We are Isis, and we wish you a good day!

The above  channel is copyright protected to ElevatedDelights.com.  It may be published , posted online, or reprinted only thru expressed permission from ElevatedDelights.com. For permissions email Donna at: donna.damato3@gmail.com

Friday, April 1, 2011

Anubis via Donna Damato 3/31/2011

Hello & Good Day, We are Anubis.  It is our desire to share with you today the idea of making changes in your thought patterns.  This is a time when your seasons are changing; it is also a time for your thoughts to change.  The energy that is now available on Earth is aligned to making these thought changes.  We would ask that you take some time to consider your thoughts.  Write them down as they arise.  Now we don’t mean every thought you have, we mean those thoughts you have as you hear someone else’s opinion, those thoughts you have that keep repeating, and those thoughts that elicit an emotional (joy, sorrow, anger, etc) response.  Take a good look at your thoughts.  Do you recognize your life unfolding in alignment with your thought patterns?  Do you recognize that the personality traits, in those around you, are in alignment with your thoughts about those?  As you go about your day, having your thoughts (good/bad, positive/negative), do you recognize your role in the creation process that is your life?  You should, or at least you are now aware of it.  Remember this:

Your thoughts create & solidify you beliefs. 

Now we do not come in judgment of your thoughts, it is not our purpose or role, and in actuality it truly serves no purpose but to keep you stuck.  We come to assist you in the awakening of consciousness.  Moving forward toward ascension.  It is time to allow those thoughts to die.  To tell them you are done thinking this way.  You may even need to say “I am done with you, I no longer believe that, be gone.”  Remind the thought that if it’s not for your highest & greatest good it must leave as it no longer serves a purpose.  Be mindful when the thought tries to creep back in, be awake & present enough to recognize it & shoo it away.  Be firm, be strong and soon you will be free of thoughts that keep you stuck, that keep you repeating, that keep you from being your true self; your true state of being which is:


We leave you now.  Go be in JOY & LOVE!
We are Anubis

**for more info about channeling visit: www.agangofgirls.com 

The above  channel is copyright protected to ElevatedDelights.com.  It may be published , posted online, or reprinted only thru expressed permission from ElevatedDelights.com. For permissions email Donna at: donna.damato3@gmail.com