Sunday, May 6, 2012

The 'R' Word by Anubis 

Channeled to Donna Damato 4/5/2012

Today we come to speak to you about the 'R' word, and that word is Responsibility.
Responsibility = NO MORE saying "but he/she/they did...."

When saying "but he/she/they did..." you are living in the past, and the past no longer exists in your time frame.  What does exist is now/today, this moment.  Past thinking does not assist you in moving forward as it keeps you in the past.  It is not responsible of you, on your path of this ascension journey to continually keep the past alive.  It is responsible for you to create your reality in the now, and for the future.

Now when future thinking, we must bring to light some of you who practice what we call "la-la land" thinking.  This comes about when you are bringing past situations to the future, and changing a part of that past situation to create a different future.  Thinking, "if only I'd chosen this instead of that, then my life would look like this...."  here is where you spend time in 'la-la land.'  Many of you spend much of your life doing this.  Perhaps you might say you are reliving those times in your life that you now regret the decision(s) you made.   And by changing one little aspect of that moment, you see how your life could have been.  This is not creating your reality, this is not manifesting, nor is it the Law of Attraction.  It is living in the past, spinning it over and over until you create a place you can escape to when you decide you don't want to live your current life.  Now take a moment to really let that sink in.  How often do you do this?  And is it to avoid a current physical life situation?

How do you move into productive future thinking, you may wonder.  Productive future thinking activates the manifesting or law of attraction process in your life.  The first step is for you to recognize when your mind wanders into la-la land, what is happening? Is there something you are avoiding?  What is it that creates your need to escape?  Be honest with yourself, and write it down.  Take notice every time this happens, and write down why you felt the need to escape. 

Once you have a list, even if its only one item, its time to begin to change the thought.  First, look at the other life you've created in your mind.  Is it attainable in this life?  Are there changes you can or need to make in your current life situation to bring about this life you escape to?  Now ask yourself, do I really want my life to be that way? and am I willing to make those changes?   Once you've answered these questions,  you can start to call those things into your life, that you do want.  Now you can begin manifesting/creating your world, your reality.  This is productive forward thinking.

Do not get frustrated if this takes you some time to clear up.  There is no quick fix, or pill you can take for an instant change.  It takes time and practice.  The reason this and many other spiritual endeavors take time and practice, is so you can be well versed in knowing when things go awry in your life & you are knowing how to correct the situation.  Take the time to learn how your mind works, learn what you can do to assist yourself in creating your life, your world, your reality.

You are beholden only unto yourself.  Do for you, and the Universe will follow your lead and bring to you that which is like your energy! 

Remember you are not alone in your journey.  There is plenty of assistance for you, both in the physical world and the Spirit world.  Ask for help, and you will receive it.  Call on your Spirit guides, Angels and Ascended Masters and remember to give them permission to assist you.  We cannot interfere with your free will, but we can offer you other options to consider when making your life decisions.


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