Mediumship covers quite a bit of territory.
Yes, a medium is what one calls themselves if they talk to those who have crossed over, but it is so much more than that. I tell my clients and students that, to me, much like an artist who's medium is Oil/Acrylic/Pottery etc, Spirits medium is us humans. We are the medium in which they chose to speak through or to us and we can relay the messages to other humans. Now we've somewhat defined what Mediumship is (at least to me), lets cover some types of Mediumship.
First, is the most well-known form of Mediumship and that is the ones to deliver messages from people who have passed on. You might have a reading with a Psychic Medium, Intuitive Medium, Evidentail Medium, Spiritual Medium, and many other titles. The one thing this group all have in common is that they connect to people, who have walked the earth plane, and are now longer living in a human body. A good Medium will not ask a bunch of questions to you and will not allow you to explain everything. A good Medium will make the Spirit they are communicating with provide the information (evidence).
If a Medium asks you a question, and you answer, they should then follow up with some information from Spirit that you can acknowledge, that continues to let you and the Medium know the connection is still intact. So yes, sometimes the medium needs clarification and ask a question, just make sure Spirit follows up with more information about themselves or about you.
You job as a 'sitter' or person receiving the reading, is to verify the information. Again, when you verify the information, the connection grows stronger and even more specific detail can come through. I will say this, expecting a loved one to announce your "secret code word" to prove they are there, almost never works. Human form vs spirit form is completely different, and much of what the person had/knew during his or her human life doesn't always transfer over to Spirit form. The Spirit already knows and believes the spirit world it real, so they have no desire to "prove it" with a code word.
Now lets move into another form of Mediumship, and that is working in Trance or Channeling. When a Trance Medium or Trance Channel works with Spirit, they are allowing the spirit to speak directly through them. The energy of the Being is able to use the Trance Medium's voice box to speak and physical body to gesture. Trance work opens up the Medium to higher vibrational beings such as Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters and Beings from other Star Sytems (Pleiadians, Sirius, Lemuria, Atlantis, etc). Some Trance Mediums will allow the Spirit/Energy of a passed love one speak through them in this way. Each person is different in "who" they will channel and who they will not. Me personally, I do not offer Trance sessions with anyone's loved ones, I only channel the higher vibrational beings, as this is how I was taught.
It is a huge act of surrender by the human doing Trance work. Here is where you can receive information or answers to your questions from a very high source of information. When a person does Trance, you should be able to feel the energy in the room shift as the Being(s) enter the space. Many times the voice of the person doing trance, will change or alter in some way. Mannerisms and facial expressions change as well. When that energy is within the Channelers energy field, they can imprint an image for the group to perhaps see.
A Trance reading or group session, is much different than a Psychic Medium reading in that as the energy shifts in the room, during Trance, those in attendance receive a boost to their energy field. Healing and clearing of everyone's energy field occur as well. Information shared with a group, during a Trance event, will be useful for everyone in attendance. As a group or collective group of energies of those attending a Trance event is what the Beings read from.
In order for a person to be able to be a Clean/Clear Medium (Psychic or Trance), they have to be receiving healing of their own emotional issues. These emotions can come from their current life or from past lives. If a Medium is not keeping their connections clear of their emotions, then the information they give can be muddled with their emotions and beliefs, instead of pure information. Ask your Medium what healing work they have done on themselves not only for self care, but to keep themselves as clear of a channel as possible.
About Me (Donna Damato):
I am a Trance Channel. I earned a Master of Channeling Certificate in 2011 after I completed 100+ hours of in class work & channeling work with clients. I continued to study and practice channeling so I can be an effective teacher. Channeling is my Passion, I can talk to passed on loved ones but its not my passion so I don't offer it as a session. It has to be one's passion in order for it to 'work'
As for healing work on myself, I am a CranioSacral Therapist and have regular sessions on myself to clear my emotional blockages so I can be as clear of a channel as I can.
The Beings that I channel are the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Ashtar from Ashtar Command, Selena from Lemuria, Archangel Metatron, Melchizadek, and many others. They bring information and assistance to us humans to help us advance in our lives, and on our journey. Many times they challenge the group by giving homework, and when they 'see' you again they ask how you've been doing with the work. They remember and know you by energy.
If you are interested in learning how to work in Trance or would like to attend a Channeling Event, please send me an email.
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