Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Energy of Beliefs...part 2

The Energy of Beliefs.....part 2

In part 1, of the Energy of Beliefs, I wrote that trying to change people's mind or beliefs to match your own, is a drain on your energy.  When a person states "this is what I belief, and nothing you say can change that" I wrote for you to believe them and walk away or change the subject.  How has that been working for you?  Have you put it into practice yet?  If not, begin now.  The new energy coming to us, after the Spring Equinox, is going to force people to either change or at least open to a more expanded belief system, or they will dig their heels in and stay no matter what.  What I really want to talk about today, are the metaphysical teachers you may encounter during your spiritual awakening/journey.

All through my journey, I've had amazing teachers and not so great teachers.  The amazing teachers were the ones that pushed me outside of my comfort zone, and pushed me to open my beliefs to a much more expanded belief system.  They never imposed their beliefs on me but instead allowed me to make my own mind up.  The great teachers presented information and talked about their experiences as it related to the information.  This opened me up to believe that all things are possible, and the more open I became the more I was able to experience.  When you open your beliefs and expand your consciousness, you allow more experiences to enter your life.  

Now my not so great teachers, taught me as well.  I lived in a small town in Illinois, and there were only a few teachers close by so my choices were slim.  However, I wanted to at least learn about the topics they were teaching (numerology, anagram, astral travel, etc), so I took the classes knowing I wouldn't be really trained in whatever it was we were learning.  These classes limited me, and did not allow for my expansion of consciousness or beliefs, they rather stagnated or plateaued.  When you feel this, stagnated or at a plateau, it means the teacher has taken you as far as he or she can go.  It also means its time to find a new teacher, one that can add to your journey.  If you are stuck in your journey, take a look at where you go, who is your teacher(s), and ask yourself this "why have I stayed so long?"  There's no right or wrong answer, you'll most likely answer that you stayed because its was familiar, and familiar give a sense of safety and comfort. 

The Universe is now going to start pushing you out of that familiar, and when you feel that push, what will you do?  Will you go forth and make changes or will you dig your heels in and remain where you are?  Either way you chose is fine.  Either way you chose also has different outcomes, chose by comfort or by outcome?  Again, its always your choice. 
Be Limitless….

Donna Damato has been working with energy healing for over 15 years and through CranioSacral Therapy she is able to change old belief systems, family patterns and energetic signatures.  Each person’s journey is their own, and the healing Donna provides is in alignment with guidance from the client’s soul and their unique divine blueprint.  CranioSacral can be done in person, in Louisville, KY or by distance healing.  Donna receives her CranioSacral sessions by distance.

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