Monday, December 3, 2012

Distance or Remote Energy Healing

Distance Energy Healing, really?  I’ve had discussions with people before that just aren’t too sure they can receive energy work without coming in and lying on my massage table.  I tell them its true.  Energy is everywhere, so why can’t we harness that energy and send healing to the other side of the world from where we are now?  As I go further into my energy healing experience, I’ve decided that there are no limits, unless I choose to put one out there.  Now I am working on breaking down my limits and releasing them.  I do believe anything is possible in this world, so if it’s possible then I can bring it into being. 

I learned about remote or distance healing during my Reiki II class in 1990.  I found it fascinating that we could send healing to someone in China.  Since none of us knew anyone in China, we practiced distance Reiki on one of my classmate’s husband.  I could feel that he had pain in his leg and I sent it energy for pain relief.  We did some other Reiki hand placements and completed our session.  A week later I heard from the Reiki Teacher that the lady’s husband had less pain in his leg, and he felt so much lighter, he was very happy and so was I.  I decided to really work on how I wanted my remote sessions to go, and so I came up with a couple intentions that I state before my sessions.

Before I begin a distance healing session, I always state my intentions for the session.  I begin by taking a deep breath or two and getting myself centered, grounded, connected and focused.  I say “I call on the Healing Energies of the Universe to flow through me for whatever Betsy needs healing for, I ask for the most perfect energy for Betsy and for her highest and best good to flow through me and into Betsy.”  I say something like before I begin every Energy Healing Session.  When the session is remote, I add, “I intend that this doll or stuffed animal represent Betsy and that I am able to sense her energy, chakras and all areas that need special attention. Thank You” 

Once my intention is set, I then begin working on the doll or stuffed animal as if you were actually the one on the table.  I am able to feel blockages, the chakras, and any area that has pain or needs extra energy attention.  I go through my regular energy healing motions and clearings on the doll as if it was you.  I do this while you are lying down in your home, wherever that may be. 

I did several remote sessions on a lady in Pennsylvania, and her feedback was so interesting.  She said that at the beginning of the session she saw, in her minds eye, the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses coming in her room with her.  This took place while I was stating my intention and getting myself centered.  My ‘team’ went in before me it’s so awesome.  She said that she could see the Egyptians moving about and each of them working on her in different areas, sometimes even all at once.  She was amazed at her session, and I was too. 

I’ve done remote sessions for people in California, Arkansas, Michigan, Arizona, and Connecticut, even England.  They all reported the same or very similar experiences as the lady in Pennsylvania.  Some saw the Egyptians, while a few felt their presence as very strong and very loving.  One lady said she could feel hand pressure on the painful areas of her body, as if someone was right there with her.  Energy work is so much fun, I just love it!

Recently my friend, Jack, suffered a neck injury.  When I heard about it, I sat down and began to send him a healing.  Now, I was in my office in Naperville, Illinois and he was only twenty minutes away, but it is still a distance healing since he was not physically there with me.  I sent him craniosacral healing from my office.  I spent about thirty minutes working on him.  After I was done, I gave him a call to tell him I had worked on him.  I did not give him prior notice that I was going to work on him.  He had been napping and woke up thinking he’d had a craniosacral treatment.  I was happy to hear that he received the healing I sent to him.  He was happy to have received it too, as he felt much better.
Whether you can make it in to have an Energy Healing session in person, or not doesn’t matter.  You can receive the benefits even from your home.  I just think that is both wonderful and amazing.  What a great gift from the Great Creator. Remote Healing.  It is my joy and passion to be a conduit for these beautiful energies.  I truly love what I do.

I am grateful and honored to be of service to the Healing Energies of the Universe.  I am grateful and honored to allow these energies to flow through me for your Healing Energy Session.

Be at Peace!
Donna Damato

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Energy Healing with the Egyptans

Many people have asked me what is energy healing, or what can I expect during a session.  I had to sit down and really think about how to answer these questions.  If you are familiar with energy, then you know how hard it can be to explain it.  My sensations of tingles in my hands may feel like pinches to you, and so on.  So as I sit here putting into words energy healing, I am reminded that all Energy sessions are different because everyone is at a different place in life and require different energies.

I began my journey into Energy in early 1990 when I became introduced to Reiki.  I had never heard of Reiki before, but at that moment I knew I wanted to learn it.  During the year I took Reiki I, II, and then the Master level.  I found it fascinating that not only could I sense someone’s headache, I was also able to pull the pain out of the body with my hands.  I was hooked.  I Reiki’d everything, my food, my body, the cats, the trees, you name it I Reiki’d it.  Anyone who was willing to sit still for at least thirty minutes received a Reiki treatment.  I still do this even in late 2012, some 12 years later.

Over the years I began to pull away from the traditional hand placements of Reiki and allowed my self to follow my intuition.  If I felt I needed to start at someone’s knees, I did.  I noticed a change in how my energy was flowing.  It was more precise, like a pinpoint laser.  One of my teachers told me the energy coming out of my hands had very ancient symbols coming out of them.  I said I was a Reiki Master, she was too and said they symbols were not Reiki.  I didn’t give it much thought until about 2005.  I began sensing new energies around me.  I later found out that it was my guides coming forward and it was time for me to know and work with them.  Much to my surprise I found the Egyptian Gods’ and Goddesses all lined up to assist me.  I began getting to know each of them and how we would work together.  The ones involved in my Energy Healing work are Isis, Bast, and Horus. 

When someone has heartache or needs love, the Goddess Isis will come and infuse you with her loving and supportive energy.  Some people have unresolved issues with their mother, or they never received support or approval from their mother, in these situations Isis will come and envelope you in her wings so you can feel the hug and love of mother energy.  Isis is considered the mother to all the Kings and Pharaohs in Egypt, and as such brings that mother energy forth.

If you have emotions or blockages that need releasing, the Goddess Bast comes to assist with clearing your chakras and aura.  During your energy healing session, the Goddess Bast guides me in seeing areas that need extra attention or clearing.  She then takes the old energy and sends it out into the cosmos for recycling into something useful.  Bast appears to me in full cat form.  She is very playful and nurturing just like a cat.  She can also be a fierce warrior, and she will fight for you to keep your energy field clear. 

The God Horus works with me when physical healing is needed.  He guides my hands and finger to specific places on the body and then the healing energy flows through me into your physical body for healing.  Its really quite remarkable the exchange between Hours and me during healing sessions.  I can sense or feel when my fingers or hands are in the correct place.  It's like those little kid games with the small metal ball and you have to get it in the little divot of cardboard, that’s how I feel when my hands or fingers are in the correct spot.  You might notice, when I work on your neck for example, that I keep moving my fingers around.  I do that until I feel the ‘click’ that I am in the correct place. 

Many things can happen during your Energy Healing Session(s) with me.  First, it’s very important, to me, that my space be safe, clear and comfortable for you and me.  I want you to feel ok crying, if you need to.  During a release your body can react in many different ways, some subtle and some more obvious.  You might twitch, or jerk your leg.  It is common to have coughing spats, and the need to clear your throat.  You might even need to shed some tears, or even have a good cry.  I have personally experienced all of these and many other more noisy releases, and am not worried if you need to release that way too.  In fact I’ll even encourage you if I feel you are holding back.  Besides I have plenty of tissues for your tears, and a compassionate heart to hold space for you to ‘do your thing.’

On occasion a past life hurt will surface, and I will work with that to release it as well.  Images will sometimes appear in the blanket I use or sometimes even on your body.  I have removed swords from people’s necks, manacles from wrists, ankles and necks, thorns from feet, and much more.  Those that I removed these items from had physical healings from headaches, feelings of being stuck, and even foot pain eliminated. 

One person I worked on, ‘Beth’, had an open wound on the bottom of her foot that was not healing.  While I was working on the wound, I saw (energetically) pus oozing out from the wound.  Then physically the wound pinked up and looked like it had just been freshly cleaned.  Her boo-boo was better the next day, and completely cleared up within 5 days.  She was quite happy to have this cleared us since it had make walking very painful.

I worked on a man who wanted to move forward.  He said he felt all gummed up and like someone was always watching over his shoulder to make sure he did everything ‘right.’  During our Energy Healing Session, ‘Dave’, released while taking deep cleansing breaths and blowing it out.  He had some lower vibrational energies in his field (aura) and as I balanced his chakras, I also cleared out the stale energy with the help of the Goddess Bast.  After he was done, he said he felt so light and full of joy again.

When ‘Mary’ came in, she didn’t even know what energy healing was.  After explaining it to her she decided to give it a try.  I removed some energy from ‘Mary’ that reminded me of burdens.  She also had some chakras that were way over sized.  I made sure I balanced her chakras.  I filled her with light, and placed her in a bubble so the new energy would be noticeable to her.  She noticed it the next day.  She was happy, bubbly and had motivation to get the things done that she’d left undone for several months.  I talked to her about five days after her session, and she said even her clients noticed the change in her. 

I truly love being a conduit for the healing energies. That is what I am, a conduit.  People have told me “you have strong energy” I’ve never quite known what that means exactly.  I guess it’s just that I allow the energy to flow through me that is for your highest and greatest good, and you decide how much you want.  I appreciate testimonials and compliments as much as the next person, just know that I am not the healer, I am the vessel for the healing energy to flow through.  I create the space and time for you, and you decide the degree to which you are willing to heal during your sessions.  It’s a team effort, with each of us working towards the same end result: Healing on all levels. 

I am grateful and honored to be of service to the Healing Energies of the Universe.  I am grateful and honored to allow these energies to flow through me for your Healing Energy Session.
Be at Peace!

Please Elevated Delights for more information or to schedule your energy healing session. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Tonights Full Moon from Thoth

Thoth on the Full Moon
Aug. 30, 2012

Hello Dear Ones, it is I Thoth.  I am coming to you today to speak about this full moon.  It is the second full moon of this month of August.  It carries high frequency energies to assist you in clearing out the old emotions or old ways of thinking; it moves it out of your way so you can move forward. 
As time speeds up, you might be thinking that you don’t have enough time to do all that you’ve set out to do, and we remind you that time is arbitrary. Perhaps its not time you are running out of but perhaps it is a lack of focus, a “where do I begin?” thought.  And as such, you never begin any process or research any ideas that have been rolling around in your mind for quite some time now.  This full moon is a perfect time for you to release these thoughts, and begin your journey. 
We offer you a process you can do wherever you are.  This process will assist you by energizing your focus, removing blockages, and clearing your energy all for the purpose of you moving forward.  Let us begin.
Tonight please stand in your yard and allow your entire being to be bathed in the moonlight.  Feel the moon to the deepest parts of your core.  It is best to stand barefoot, and hands raised up with your palms facing skyward.  If you do not have a yard to stand in, stand in the window the moonlight can still bathe you. (Remember the power of what/how you intend it to be will surely come into being).  As you stand, bathing in the glorious moonlight, state those thoughts that you are releasing.  Do not give a dissertation about why you want to release, just simply state the thoughts and move on.  If you feel you must “explain” yourself, then you must consider the fact that you do not want to release that just yet.  It is ok, just recognize it and continue forward.  You might say, “I release the thought that there isn’t enough time” or “I release the thought that I must be in control.”  These are just examples.  You might also want to state, “I release all thoughts that need to go, for my highest and greatest good.”  You will feel a downward push of energy as the moon moves those thoughts from you.  It will begin at your crown, and move all the way down your body, and out your feet.  Once the energy has moved to your feet, give thanks to the moon, take a deep breath and remind yourself every day that you are choosing to be in this new energy. 
Anytime you do clearing/release work, there is a period of adjustment.  You may feel lonely, like something is missing.   And we remind you that is it missing, you released it and let it go.  Do not go searching for what you’ve releases, as you may bring it back.  Just breathe, and again remind yourself all is well, and you choose to be in the new energy.  In a few days, you will acclimate to the energy.  If you are unable to be in the Full Moon on Thursday, you can achieve the same results through Sunday night, you have time. 
I am Thoth and I bid you well.
Donna Damato is a trance channel.  She channels the Egyptian Family, Isis, Bast, Anubis, Thoth, Set and RA.  She's been working with these beings of light her whole life, and began channeling their messages in Feb 2010.  It is her honor and delight to share the teachings of these wondrous beings of light she lovingly calls The Egyptian Family.  If you'd like a session with The Egyptian Family, please contact Donna @; for more information visit:
The above  channel is copyright protected to  It may be published , posted online, or reprinted only thru expressed permission from For permissions email Donna at:

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blessing from Isis and Bast


Good Day to you all!  We come to you together, Isis and Bast.  We come today to give you some release & blessings.  It has been a busy time, energetically.  You just celebrated your Summer Equinox, Independence Day (in USA), a Full moon, and most of you have been enduring sweltering heat. We wish to assist you in raising your vibration.

Take a few moments to center yourself.  Take some deep breaths, feel your feet, feel your heartbeat, now feel your crown chakra pulsing.  Take a few more deep centering, cleansing breaths.

Allow us to come into your energy field for a moment.  We are going to align your chakras, and clear your energetic field/aura.  Continue breathing until you feel us step out of your energetic field.  This should take anywhere from 3-10 minutes.  Very good.

Now we ask you to sit with the palms of your hands facing up.  We are going to fill your hands with the Heart Attunement Blessing and the Universe Blessing.  When you notice that your hands are full, place your left hand on your crown chakra & your right hand over your heart chakra.  Take many deep breaths.  Sit like this for 3-5 minutes or more if you like.

The Heart Attunement Blessing attunes your hearts to unconditional love, and assists you in loving yourself unconditionally.  When you love yourself, you attract loving beings into your life.  Loving yourself fills up your energy, it gives you the extra energy needed to help others.  Begin to fill your energy 'tanks' up with this love & when they are full, then help others.  It is most helpful to others when you are whole first.

Now place both feet flat on the ground, or floor wherever you are.  We are going to assist you in releasing some old thoughts and patterns that are no longer serving you.  Please take a deep breath and repeat the following (silent is ok). "I now allow and give permission to myself to release these thoughts and patterns that no longer serve me, take them all, thank you."  You may feel energy moving down your body & out your feet, or you might feel tingly all over, remind yourself that its ok, you are choosing to release this now.  Take a few deep breaths as the energy moves through you.

Every time you allow yourself to clear and real ease, you move forward on your journey.  You release the old so the new can come in, thereby raising your vibration.  Remind yourself daily that you are choosing to raise your vibration, that you choose to release and most importantly that you 'choose to be in this new energy.'

We wish to sprinkle each of you with one last blessing.  It is the energy of Joy & Happiness.  Please take a deep breath, sit comfortably and allow us to bless you again.

Thank you for taking the time to love yourself.  Remember to take care of you, love you, and miracles will happen.

We send you love and blessing, call on us when you need a boost we will always come to assist you.

Egyptian Goddesses
Isis & Bast

 The above  channel is copyright protected to Donna Damato.    It may be published , posted online, or reprinted only thru expressed permission from Donna Damato. For permissions email Donna at:

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Message from The Egyptian Family

Today we wish to speak to you about your spiritual journey.  We hear the question "Am I on the right path?" many times.  Our answer is always yes, because its your path and therefore you are on the correct one.  Now perhaps that is not really what you mean to ask.  Maybe your real question is "Is XYZ, that I'm involved in now, part of my journey?  or "Am I required to learn something from XYZ to further my growth, and am I close to learning the lesson?"  These are basically the same question, just one is more specific than the other.  Whenever you are asking your questions, whether at a channeling, a reading, or even of yourself it is always best to be specific.  When you are getting specific, you are digging deeper and getting clear about what answer it is you are seeking.  Sometimes the question "Am I on the right path?" is as deep as you are willing to go, and that is fine.  Remember: you have free will. You can do or not do as much as you desire.  It is your journey, your path, its up to you.

It has been said "to get to the light, we must go through the dark, to get back into the light..."  This is your spiritual journey through clearing the emotional bonds that keep you in the same place, never moving forward.  Being an Earth Being means that your experiences have many different outcomes.  Earth is a dualistic planet.  Therefore, you have situations that you label as positive or negative, up/down, left/right, right/wrong, good/evil, godly/demonic, light/dark.  Today we are discussing the polarity of light and dark.

Now, the dark is not evil, demonic, satanic or any other words humans associate with dark - it is those "less than charming" personality traits, emotional baggage and the like that must be worked through, or cleared.  There are many ways for you to get clear, back to the light.  We offer some ideas and suggestions and allow you to make the decisions for yourself.  First, you can always be clearing yourself.  You might begin with the negative self-talk that goes on in your mind, every day.  Challenge that chatter, stand up to it & tell it to "shut up."  Change the negative into a positive.  If you are always telling yourself "I'm not good enough for..."  reverse it to be "I am worthy of all things the Universe has for me."  Begin to change your mind about yourself first.  It may take some time to convince yourself that you are worthy, but keep with it as many times a day as it takes.  Remember:  YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Next its time to look at your relationships.  How to do interact with those around you?  How is your relationship with your parents, siblings, other family members, friends, and co-workers?  We remind you that everyone is on their own journey and path, so if you are so entrenched in getting those around you to be as you think they should be, we stay STOP!  Stop working on their journey/path and get back to yours.  You may actually see those people progress faster once you allow them to be who they need to be, and not who you think they should be.   You'll be amazed at how much easier your life flows when you release and allow others to be as they will.  If you have strong emotional bonds with any of the above mentioned, you may need to have the cords cut.  Do not do this yourself unless you are experienced at it.  On your own you can invoke the Archangel Michael to assist you in removing the cords, and invoke the Archeia Faith for healing.  This will get you started and on the path of clearing.

For those of you who practice energy healing, Horus says this: "To be a channel for healing energy or any universal energy to flow, you must be continually doing your clearing work.  Both in the physical body & the spiritual body."

Clearing work is a continual process as you work through your layers.  Do not get discouraged when yet another opportunity to clear yourself rises up.  You cannot truly know the light, unless you travel the dark too.  This we tell you is how you increase your vibration, and you get closer to the light each time your vibration rises.  Remember also you are not alone in your journey.  You have many helpers in the physical world and well as in spirit.  Call on your guides and angels to assist you.  Call on the Egyptian Gods and Goddess' for guidance.  Know that we will come and assist you.

We send you love unconditionally! Be that love, be in peace!
The Egyptian Family
Isis, Bast, Hathor, Horus, Anubis, Ma'at
and Kryon

For assistance with Clearing Work, visit our website Elevated Delights

The above  channel is copyright protected to  It may be published , posted online, or reprinted only thru expressed permission from  For permissions email Donna at: EMAIL

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The 'R' Word by Anubis 

Channeled to Donna Damato 4/5/2012

Today we come to speak to you about the 'R' word, and that word is Responsibility.
Responsibility = NO MORE saying "but he/she/they did...."

When saying "but he/she/they did..." you are living in the past, and the past no longer exists in your time frame.  What does exist is now/today, this moment.  Past thinking does not assist you in moving forward as it keeps you in the past.  It is not responsible of you, on your path of this ascension journey to continually keep the past alive.  It is responsible for you to create your reality in the now, and for the future.

Now when future thinking, we must bring to light some of you who practice what we call "la-la land" thinking.  This comes about when you are bringing past situations to the future, and changing a part of that past situation to create a different future.  Thinking, "if only I'd chosen this instead of that, then my life would look like this...."  here is where you spend time in 'la-la land.'  Many of you spend much of your life doing this.  Perhaps you might say you are reliving those times in your life that you now regret the decision(s) you made.   And by changing one little aspect of that moment, you see how your life could have been.  This is not creating your reality, this is not manifesting, nor is it the Law of Attraction.  It is living in the past, spinning it over and over until you create a place you can escape to when you decide you don't want to live your current life.  Now take a moment to really let that sink in.  How often do you do this?  And is it to avoid a current physical life situation?

How do you move into productive future thinking, you may wonder.  Productive future thinking activates the manifesting or law of attraction process in your life.  The first step is for you to recognize when your mind wanders into la-la land, what is happening? Is there something you are avoiding?  What is it that creates your need to escape?  Be honest with yourself, and write it down.  Take notice every time this happens, and write down why you felt the need to escape. 

Once you have a list, even if its only one item, its time to begin to change the thought.  First, look at the other life you've created in your mind.  Is it attainable in this life?  Are there changes you can or need to make in your current life situation to bring about this life you escape to?  Now ask yourself, do I really want my life to be that way? and am I willing to make those changes?   Once you've answered these questions,  you can start to call those things into your life, that you do want.  Now you can begin manifesting/creating your world, your reality.  This is productive forward thinking.

Do not get frustrated if this takes you some time to clear up.  There is no quick fix, or pill you can take for an instant change.  It takes time and practice.  The reason this and many other spiritual endeavors take time and practice, is so you can be well versed in knowing when things go awry in your life & you are knowing how to correct the situation.  Take the time to learn how your mind works, learn what you can do to assist yourself in creating your life, your world, your reality.

You are beholden only unto yourself.  Do for you, and the Universe will follow your lead and bring to you that which is like your energy! 

Remember you are not alone in your journey.  There is plenty of assistance for you, both in the physical world and the Spirit world.  Ask for help, and you will receive it.  Call on your Spirit guides, Angels and Ascended Masters and remember to give them permission to assist you.  We cannot interfere with your free will, but we can offer you other options to consider when making your life decisions.


The above  channel is copyright protected to  It may be published , posted online, or reprinted only thru expressed permission from For permissions email Donna at:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


 I AM RA.  I AM a Solar God.  I AM Creation. 
Through our Channel, Donna, I assist you with clearing and raising your vibration.  During a Channeling I come and adjust your energy field to accept our vibration.  The girls has likened my adjustment to that of a "flash."  I say Yes it is like a Flash when I pass through Donna and adjust the room in one quick instant.  

Visit Elevated Delights website for more information.

I AM Set

I AM the Lord of Chaos.  My chaos is that on a grand scale.  I do not (usually) create chaos on an individual basis, but rather that on a worldly scale.  Take for example Vietnam, and the Women's Movement, and the "Hippies."  Now consider the fact that they all occurred at roughly the same time.  This is our Chaos. 

Chaos is a creative force.  It shakes things up so much, that the end result must be something new.  Thus it creates, out of destruction, something new.  Next time you see a Chaotic event, or perhaps you are living through one, consider how it will look after everyone gets through it, what is new.  

Visit Elevated Delights website for more information.

I AM Thoth

I AM Thoth.  I am a Master Teacher of all things, Keeper of the Tree of Life - also known as The Akashic Records.  I reside beneath a Great Pyramid (not Giza).  I can provide you with answers to your questions.  All you need to do it call on Thoth for the answer to your question.

I remind you that I am a Teacher.  Know that when you ask your question, I may ask you to find the answer in learning a lesson.  I may also remind you of perhaps an unresolved issue in your life, and suggest that the answer you seek is in resolving those things that are still open. 

Through our Channel, Donna, I bring forth the knowledge she needs to speak to you, or to answer your questions.  I also assist her with accessing Akashic Records to assist with clearing past life issues.  I am present during healing sessions when people are ready to release the past and move forward.  We assist in bringing up past lives so they can be cleared.  

Visit Elevated Delights website for more information.

I AM Bast

During my days as an honored Egyptian Goddess, I was revered for the great care I took (or the cats) of my children.  The nurturing of the young.  In that capacity I nurture you today.

Through our Channel, Donna, I assist you with your releasing.  I sweep the emotional discharge away from your energy field and send it to be recycled in the Ethers or Universe.  Whether I am answering your questions at a channeling, or you are having energy work with Donna, know that I am there with my Etheric Broom.  I will assist you with releasing the emotion tied to the outcome of your questions.  This helps you to be clear, to hear the answer and to act according to your highest good.  Visit A Gang of Girls website for more information.

Visit Elevated Delights website for more information.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Eklesiasta or you can call me E

I am a Being of Light.  I have never been a human, and I am not on a path to become an Ascended Master.  I am a Supreme Being on the High Council of the Galactic Federation.  I am neither male nor female.  However, when I come to speak, I take on traits of a girl.  In this capacity I assist the enregy in rising up and clearing any heaviness out.  When I come in my full Galactic form, I seem more male and I am militant.

I oversee certain activity and make sure all is going according to plan.  This includes beings from other galaxies, as well as your human selves.  Agreements or contracts were made when you signed up to come to Earth, and we oversee or "keep an eye on" the interaction, and progress of the contract.  If things are progressing as intended then nothing is done.  However, every now and again things do not go as planned, and the Federation has to take action.  I have come on many occasions and had contracts renegotiated on behalf of the humans as well as other beings in the cosmos.  

This is all for now, we may expound on our mission with this Channel - Donna, at a later time.


Visit Elevated Delights website for more information.


Before Osiris, I was Lord of the Underworld.  This is NOT to be confused with Hell, as the underworld is NOT Hell.  The underworld is where your spirit goes, and decisions are made as to your next life.  When Osiris came to be Lord of the Underworld, I stepped aside and took on another role.  I now oversee the funerary process, embalming and funeral rituals.  I am also the protector of the dead.

In the Egyptian beliefs, it was thought that the body of the deceased needed to be protected so that when the spirit returned, it could go back to its body.  The people believed that they would come back to the Earth plane and be able to have their treasures too.  We all know how that's turned out.  Now we move forward to today, and what my purpose is when I speak to you.

It is our purpose, at this time and through this channel Donna, that we speak to you about changing your thought patterns.  We wish to assist you with this process.  One of the ways we assist you is by reminding you to pay attention to your thoughts, and to challenge those you are ready to get rid of.  When the self-defeating thoughts arises, tell it "NO! I AM DONE WITH THIS, I NO LONGER BELIEVE IT TO BE TRUE!"  We assure you that this is an important first step, and when you begin this process you will see the changes in your daily life.  You will begin to notice that things go smoothly for you, easily and with grace.  It is our desire that you have everything the Universe has to offer, everything!

Why not take the challenge and challenge you thoughts.  Squash those that need to go & serve no purpose except to keep you from moving forward.  Rise up and move forward on this journey you term ascension.  Let us assist you in your ascension & forward moving progress.

We are Anubis

Visit Elevated Delights website for more information.